Scholastic Español

El Capitan Clazoncillos #4 y el perverso plan del profesor Pipicaca

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Dav Pilkey - paperback

Professor Pippy P. Poopypants may be the greatest scientific genius the world has ever known. Unfortunately, he has such a silly name that nobody takes him seriously! He's been laughed out of every major university in the world.

In fact, the only place that'll hire him is Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. Hopefully, nobody at the school will laugh at his name (or make a comic book about him)....

...Because if just one more person makes fun of Poopypants, it might just drive him OFF THE DEEP END!

Needless to say, George and Harold poo-poo Poopypants's pride -- practically pulverizing it to pieces -- and, hence, Poopypants is preparing to pounce!

Step up to witness a brief encounter of the cottony kind. This looks exactly like a job for The Amazing CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS!

Jorge y Berto no son malos chicos. Lo que pasa es que les gusta animar las cosas de vez en cuando. Asi, sin proponerselo, estan a punto de hacer que el profesor Pipicaca, un cientifico enloquecido y sin escrupulos que se encuentra a bordo de un robot gigantesco, se apodere del planeta entero. Quien desbaratara los perversos planes de Pipicaca? Un nuevo trabajo para el Capitan Calzoncillos!

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